"God did not create Man! Man created God." (79)

"He is quiet, shy, well-mannered, not particularly good-looking"(6).
Derek 17 years old, raised in a Christian family, has very strong beliefs about religion and God.

"Buy a Bible! Your guidebook to eternal life!" (14).
Derek believes in the Bible and that God created humans. He believes that the Bible holds the answers to almost anything.
Kyle, 16 years old whose father is a science teacher. Kyle has strong beliefs about Evolution and Darwinism.
"There is no collar on his shirt; his hair is tousled" (5).

"...fifteen noted scientists! The greatest thinkers of our time!"(83).
Kyle and Derek are assigned to sit next to each other in science class...but will this cause a problem?
The teacher, Mr. McCarthy.
"His clothes -those of a city-dweller contrast sharply with the attire of the townspeople"(14).

During a science class, the teacher begins a lesson on Evolution and how humans evolved onto the Earth.
"..that living comes from a long miracle, it didn't just happen in seven days"(8).
The Bible explains that God created the earth in exactly seven days, but scientists believe they are wrong, that it is impossible for that to happen.

How will Kyle and Derek react to the lesson being taught?
Derek raises the question...that if Evolution is taught in school then why don't they teach creationism too?
"Everything in the Bible should be accepted, exactly as it is given there"(87).
Nobody should go against what the Bible says or the views of the Church and God.

The teacher simply answers that it is not part of the textbook he is given to teach.
However, Kyle interrupts and tells Derek that religion in school is wrong, and that science explains it all.
"All the answers to those questions in the Bible." (34)
Derek thinks that the Bible answers all your questions, and nowhere in the Bible does it talk about Evolution.

"You have no more right to spit on his religion than you have a right to spit on my religion!" (125).
Derek thinks that Kyle has no right to be making comments about what he believes.
How will Derek react to Kyle's comment?

Derek ignores Kyle, but is not satifsfied with the teachers answer. He continues to ask questions about the ideas of religion and science in school.
Will the opposing views cause more problems?
Derek and Kyle begin a debate in the middle of class.
"Man was sort of evoluted. From the 'Old World Monkeys"'(69).

"...you and I aren't even descended from good American Monkeys!"(69).
"What a challenge it is, to fit on the old armor again! To test the steel of our Truth agaisnt the blasphemies of Science!"(23).
"I believe in a God who can make a whale and who can make a man and make both do what He pleases!"(88).
The boys go back and forth arguing. Kyle argues that humans were evolved from monkeys, while Derek argues that god created humans. Neither boy is willing to accept the others views.
Which boy will win the dispute?
The two boys having opposing views about religion and science, and as class continues cannot settle their differences. They eventually start a fight, and are asked to stay for detention.
Mr. McCarthy sits down with the boys and tries to understand each side of the conflict.
"The lighting is low, somber"(107).
However, both the boys are very stubborn.

In detention, the teacher gives Derek an assignment to research science and evolutionism and Kyle an assignment to research religion and creationism.
"I never thought that way"(74).

"Maybe what Mr. Darwin wrote is bad. I don't know. Bad or good, it doesn't make a difference"(124).
What will the boys learn if anything? Will either of their views on the controversey of science and religion change? Will the fighting stop?